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What we do

Cransley Hospice Trust enables a better end of life experience for those with a life-limiting illness in North Northamptonshire

We do this by raising funds, providing information and guidance, influencing service development and the enhancement of modern hospice services.

Because every moment matters…

Who we support

We support hospice inpatient care

We raise funds to support the services at the Cransley Hospice nine-bed inpatient unit in Kettering.

In 2023;

The inpatient unit cared for 191 patients.

About half the patients were admitted for symptom management support and returned home.

The hospice provides a peaceful, calm and homely environment for patients where families are encouraged and welcomed to visit.


We support hospice at home services

When a person chooses to die at home, care and support is provided by the hospice at home team.

In 2016, along with our partner Cynthia Spencer Hospice Charity, we invested in the development of this service ensuring care could be provided to more patients and their families in the community.

Over 5605 calls or visits were made to patients and their families in 2023.

Bereavement support

The death of someone very close can affect us deeply.

Although we know that no-one can understand exactly what a loss feels like to anyone else, we do understand that it’s sometimes easier to talk to someone outside of our social circle of friends and family and this is why we offer the GriefChat service.  GriefChat was created by bereavement experts and their counsellors are experienced in grief support.

For children and young adults, our memory boxes have been carefully developed and filled with activities and resources for families.  The boxes help the children to create lasting memories and provide an opportunity for them to talk about their feelings to prepare for a death of a loved one.

The Wellbeing Programme

We support the Wellbeing Programme running at our partner hospice, Cynthia Spencer Hospice.

The programme aims to help patients and their families maintain their quality of life, emotional and mental health, physical function and independence for as long as possible.

This wellbeing service is available to anyone over the age of 18 currently facing a life-limiting illness. This can include advanced cancer, rapidly progressive neurological conditions such as motor neurone disease, and advanced respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

The group sessions give people the opportunity to meet others who may have similar experiences and gain support from each other and the wellbeing team.

Provide information and support

Working with our partners across the palliative and end of life care system as part of the strategy development we have created a new and comprehensive care and support information service for patients and families.

This new service, available through this website, provides easily accessible help, support and information for patients, families, carers and professionals.

Professional education and training support

Our funding supports the delivery of specialist training for palliative and end of life care professionals locally.

The Palliative & End of Life Care Education Team’s mission is to train local health and social care professionals with the skills and knowledge to support people through their end of life journey. This includes GPs, carers and student nurses across the system.

Developing and influencing modern hospice care

The Northamptonshire Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy sets out a series of ambitions we wish to achieve.

Part of our role at Cransley Hospice Trust is to ensure that the service provision remains relevant to the needs of local people and we are supporting the necessary changes and improvements to the service.

Engagement with our community and being a collective voice is key to helping us influence appropriate improvements.

The difference made to patients and families in 2023

Because every moment matters…


Patients were cared for in the inpatient unit at Cransley Hospice


Patients were cared for by the Hospice at Home team in their own homes


Patients recieved lymphoedema treatment


Wellbeing sessions attended by patients from North Northamptonshire

Who we support?

We support our community so that people in North Northamptonshire can access and receive free expert end of life care, support and information, when and where they need it.

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