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Fundraise at home

Welcome to our fundraise at home page for Cransley Hospice Trust! Explore ways to support your local hospice from your own home. Join us in making a difference today!

Raise money at home with friends and family

Discover ways to support our cause from the comfort of your home! Whether through a family bake off or dedicating birthdays, find inspiration to make a difference here.

Coffee morning fundraiser

Invite friends and family over for a coffee morning, asking them to make a donation and ask for a small donation per coffee or cake.

Birthday fundraiser

What better way to raise donations for a cause you love than having a fundraiser on your birthday. Instead of cards or presents, ask for a donation.

See how your support makes a difference


visits made by Hospice at Home nurses, helping to care for 245 patients.


home visits by Clinical Nurse Specialists to help 498 patients.


patients received management of difficult symptoms or end of life care at our In-Patient Unit.


Occupational and Physiotherapy sessions delivered by our Therapy Team.

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