Cransley Hospice Trust is looking for new talent to bolster the Board of Trustees.
About the role
Could you help direct the vital fundraising programme for the future of palliative and end of life care across North Northamptonshire?
What we need
Can you bring your skills and local knowledge to help support the implementation of end of life care across North Northamptonshire?
Do you have an interest in supporting individuals and families to address their end of life care?
Are you interested in developing your capabilities as a Board member in a worthwhile environment?
Have you an interest in developing your Board level skills?
Ideal skills and experience:
– Leadership
– Tact and diplomacy
– Integrity
– Impartiality and fairness
– A commitment to the charity
– An understanding of and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
– A willingness to devote the necessary time (1-2 days per month) and effort to the duties of a trustee
– Strategic vision
– Good, independent judgement
– An ability to work effectively as a member of a team
About our Charity
The Trust is based in Kettering and serves the community around North Northamptonshire. We work closely with the Integrated Care Board and Cynthia Spencer Hospice Charity to commission end of life care and services across Northamptonshire.
We fundraise to support the current portfolio of services provided in Cransley Hospice, the Hospice at Home service and the Lymphoedema service. We also provide spiritual and emotional care and support to patients and their families across the area. Additionally, we work on developing new services to support patients, their families and carers.
We currently raise over £1 million a year through our fundraising and have ambitious plans for future growth.
For other ways to volunteer for us, click here
Volunteering for Cransley Hospice Trust
We have over 100 volunteers within the Cransley Hospice Trust community. Our volunteers are crucial to the success of our organisation. We have a diverse community to help us in many different ways; fundraising at events, working in our shops, bringing a variety of skills and expertise to our Board, and to the admin team in the office, speaking at events as ambassodors for Cransley Hospice Trust, shining a light on the importance of end of life care within our community.
Most importantly a welcoming, warm smile and a willingness to help out, get involved and to listen.
Contact our fundraising office or email our
All our volunteers are provided with the necessary training for their roles.
We hold regular induction sessions where all new volunteers have an opportunity to meet with other staff and volunteers. This includes an introduction to volunteering and Cransley Hospice Trust, as well as essential training on safety and material handling. The sessions are interactive and everyone is encouraged to participate. Your own previous experience is an important part of these sessions, so they tend to be lively occasions, with everyone having their say. Everyone who has attended these sessions has said how much they have enjoyed them
As well as general training, volunteers are given specific specialist training, to reflect the needs of their own role. For example if you are a volunteer in one of our retail shops you will be provided with till training as well as customer service and health and safety procedures for the shops, together with information on stock selection and rotation.
Office staff are also provided with specialist database training and telephone and display equipment training. All volunteers who take part in events are given a specific brief for that event which includes a health and safety component.
Whatever role you may be asked to fulfil we will provide you with all the necessary training and equipmement.
You will have an opportunity to learn new skills and engage with others while making a real contribution to Cransley Hospice Trust.