Contact us on 03000 274040, or email we are always happy to help
Just follow these steps:
- You’ll need our full name and details to ensure the gift reaches us:
- Cransley Hospice Trust, a charity registered in England and Wales no. 1151018. Registered office: John Notley Building, St Mary’s Hospital Site, London Road, Kettering. NN15 7PW.
There are two main ways to include a gift:
- A residuary gift is a percentage or share of the balance of your estate once all other payments and gifts have been made.
- A pecuniary gift is a fixed amount of money.
- Anything you include to charity is free of Inheritance Tax. By including 10% of your estate to charity you can reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax you pay, while supporting a cause close to your heart.
- Once you’ve got this far, it’s time to visit a solicitor to have your will drawn up or adjusted.
If you don’t have a solicitor, you can find one in your area by contacting the Law Society. - Alternatively, you can use our free will-writing service and we’ll put you in touch with our trusted will-writing partner, free of charge.