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Pauline and Andy

Volunteering makes us feel good

When ex-Cransley Hospice Occupational Therapist, Pauline Carr, saw a flyer asking for volunteers to join the Cransley Hospice Trust team to collect Christmas trees, she didn’t hesitate in getting herself and her husband Andy signed up.

Pauline remembers “I thought it would be something nice for us to do together, Andy likes physical work and being outdoors.

“We had such a fun day.  We loved it, and so our volunteering journey began. 

“We put ourselves forward to help out at other events.  We didn’t want anything permanent, so we just help out where we can and when it fits in for us, around our semi-retirement.

“We’ve been to some wonderful events, things that we wouldn’t normally go to, like the Golf Day which was great.  We were only signed up for the morning but were enjoying it so much we stayed on to help for the rest of the day.

“It’s such a lovely team.  They always make us feel welcome, valued and appreciated and we get to use some of our skills.  Once you give up work you can quickly become deskilled if you don’t keep doing things.”

Andy added “It motivates us knowing that we’re doing something good and our time is being put to good use. It gets us out and about, widens our social circle and helps to keep us both physically and mentally fit. 

“There’s so much to gain. There’s such a variety of opportunities.  Admin doesn’t suit me, but I helped set up the 25th Anniversary Robin Installation “Robins appear when loved ones are near” at Chester House on one of the hottest days of the year and that was brilliant!

“We’re going to start doing one of the tub collection routes on a regular basis – we’ll just add it into what we’re doing so we’re looking forward to that.

“There are so many bad things going on, but we can’t change that.  But, if we all do a little bit of good we could make a big difference – it makes you feel good and it’s good for your health too.  I would urge anyone who has some time to try it and see.”

Pauline and Andy have helped at such a range of events and occasions for Cransley Hospice Trust and are very much part of the Cransley family.  It is clear to see the enjoyment they get when they’re volunteering.

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