Although we can not see into the future and we don’t know how our health and abilities might change, we might have some ideas about the sort of help and care we would or would not want
Although we can not see into the future and we don’t know how our health and abilities might change, we might have some ideas about the sort of help and care we would or would not want
This will give everyone a clear idea of the things that are important to you, if there comes a time when you are unable to express your wishes and preferences yourself.
In this booklet we explain how to complete your Advance Care Plan.
Download an electronic version of the leaflet using the button below.
Alternatively if you would like a paper copy of the Northamptonshire Advance Care Planning booklet please contact the Cransley Hospice Trust office on 03000 274040 or by emailing
This booklet aims to improve the experience of people with learning difficulties at the end of their lives, to allow them to die with dignity and choice.
Download a copy of the easy read booklet using the botton below.