A stunning new in memory installation celebrating the lives of our loved ones. Choose from two locations; East Carlton Countryside Park with picturesque views of the rolling Northamptonshire countryside or the stunning grounds of the historic Chester House Estate.
“The world changes from year to year, our lives from day to day, but the love and memory of you shall never pass away”

These services will feature music, readings and the sharing of memories, giving our community a chance to come together and support each other as ‘We Remember’ our loved ones.

These services will feature music, readings and the sharing of memories, giving our community a chance to come together and support each other as ‘We Remember’ our loved ones.
You can choose a 12 month plaque or 36 month plaque. Towards the end of the 12/36 months you can choose to renew your plaque as many times as you like.
Each plaque purchase will be for one location only, if you would like to have the plaque at two locations please purchase an additional plaque.
You are welcome to have as many plaques as you would like to purchase (providing there is enough space on the installation).
Each plaque must be purchased separately.
There is not any set text, what you include in the comments when purchasing is what will be written. Please be mindful of others who will visit the site, Cransley Hospice Trust reserve the right to not permit the use of any message that may cause offence.
All font and character size will be the same across the small and large plaques. The maximum number of characters (including spaces) is…
Small – 85x40mm etched 1.5mm brushed stainless steel plaque
Large – 180x40mm etched 1.5mm brushed stainless steel plaque
We will send you an email when we have installed your plaque.
As a rough idea we will be using the following dates for purchase and installation;
Purchase date | Installation date |
1st April – 30th June | 31st July |
1st July – 30th September | 31st October |
1st October – 31st December | 31st January |
1st January – 31st March | 30th April |
You will be welcome to visit your plaque whenever the site location is open. We have chosen site locations that are open most of the year. For details of opening hours, parking and other information about each location please check on their website before visiting;
The Chester House Estate – https://chesterhouseestate.org/plan-your-visit/opening-times/
East Carlton Park – https://www.northnorthants.gov.uk/east-carlton-countryside-park